Dena'ina Sound System: Part 3, Kenai Dialect
with Audio by Peter Kalifornsky

Part 1    Part 2

Symbol English Example Dena'ina Example English Translation
t' similar to "t" but ending with a slight popping sound t'ash charcoal
tl butler (said with the "tl" as one sound) tlaq' sleet; half rain, half snow
tl' similar to "tl" but ending with a slight popping sound tl' rope
ts shuts (said with the "ts" as one sound) tsayan cliff
ts' similar to "ts" but ending with a slight popping sound Ts'eldatnu Soldontna (literally trickling creek")
u boot ush snowshoe
w west ch'wala spruce
x similar to a German "ch" as in ich bejex caribou
y yes yuyan universe
ŷ similar to "y" but voiced (use your voicebox) qaniłch'iŷ it is windy
z zebra z sea worm
zh azure gizha camprobber
' glottal stop produced similar to the silent "t" in mountain ni'i sun
Part 1    Part 2
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